Mi 10 is set to be launched next week, on February 13, Xiaomi has confirmed through a Weibo post. Alongside, the Mi 10 Pro can also be expected to launch. Separately, the company has sent invites for the Mi 10’s global launch in Barcelona, Spain, just ahead of MWC 2020. With the Weibo post, the company has also begun posting teasers for the Mi 10 and Mi 10 Pro, revealing specifications like LPDDR5 RAM, 5G and Wi-Fi 6 connectivity, as well as the presence of UFS 3.0 storage.
In the Mi 10 launch date announcement Weibo post, Xiaomi clearly mentions the launch will be an “online-only broadcast”. This is in all probability due to the coronavirus outbreak in China, as expected earlier this month. In subsequent posts, Xiaomi reveals the Mi 10 will sport 5G and Wi-Fi 6 connectivity, and UFS 3.0 storage. In a blog post, it mentions that the Mi 10 Pro will also feature LPDDR5 RAM – something it had previously confirmed.
Coming to the pre-MWC 2020 global launch invite (seen below), it clearly shows the numeric 10 to highlight the Mi 10 series debut that will include the Mi 10 Pro in addition to the Mi 10. It also highlights February 23 as the launch date. At the Qualcomm Snapdragon Tech Summit 2019 in December, the company also announced that the Mi 10 will be one of the first smartphones to debut with the Snapdragon 865 SoC.
The official Block the Date invite disseminated by Xiaomi hints at support for optical zoom on the Mi 10. The invite also suggests that there would be a multi-camera setup at the back of the smartphone that could include as many as four distinct sensors.
Alongside the standard Mi 10, Xiaomi has the Mi 10 Pro in the works that could come with up to 16GB of RAM. Both new Mi-series phones are also rumoured to have go on sale soon after their official launch.
Mi 10 specifications (rumoured)
The Mi 10 will be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 SoC and support 5G networks. The smartphone is also rumoured to have a 108-megapixel primary camera sensor that could be Samsung’s ISOCELL Bright HMX. It is also speculated to have 48W fast charging support. This would be unlike the Mi 10 Pro that is rumoured to come with a 65W charger.
Both new Mi-series phones are expected to have a hole-punch display design — similar to the one featured on the Galaxy S10 series last year.
Shortly after the initial launch in Barcelona, Xiaomi would bring the Mi 10 series to India and other markets. The company is also quite likely to exhibit the phone at MWC 2020 that is starting from February 24.
Editor’s note: A previous version of this article claimed the Mi 10 launch date was set for February 23, which was before Xiaomi revealed its China launch to be February 13. The error is regretted.
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